[caption id="attachment_8275" align="alignleft" width="300"] Can A Gluten-Free Diet Help Relieve My Psoriasis?[/caption] Studies have shown that some Psoriasis sufferers have a higher prevalence of getting other autoimmune diseases, including Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy, commonly known as Celiac disease, in addition, other studies have shown that some Psoriasis sufferers have a milder version of Celiac, known as Gluten Sensitivity. People with Pustular Psoriasis...
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Is It Eczema, Or Psoriasis? How To Tell Them Apart
Both psoriasis and eczema are skin inflammatory diseases that have enough similar symptoms that even non-dermatologist doctors have trouble diagnosing between the two. But, they have different causes and different treatment options, so it’s best to get a proper diagnosis for proper treatment. The best course of action is to see a dermatologist, but if that is not an option,...
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Can Diet Improve My Psoriasis?
A healthy diet and lifestyle are important for both your skin and overall health. Many psoriasis sufferers have reported good results in managing their symptoms by following an anti-inflammatory diet and/or a gluten-free diet. How Inflammation Affects Psoriasis Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disorder. While inflammation is part of the body’s immune response to help heal, in the case of...
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Here’s Why Your Eczema & Psoriasis Symptoms Are Worse at Night – And What to Do About It
Have you ever wondered why your eczema or psoriasis symptoms are worse at night? [caption id="attachment_6684" align="alignleft" width="300"] Eczema & Psoriasis symptoms are worse at night[/caption] It’s because your skin has its own 24-hour internal clock. Some skin cells work better during the day while others work at night. Eczema and psoriasis prone skin are most vulnerable at night,...
Read MoreGlow Up – Aerobic Exercise Your Way To Healthy Skin
[caption id="attachment_6468" align="alignnone" width="510"] Aerobic exercise improves skin health[/caption] You already know that regular exercise is vital to your overall health, but did you also know that exercise is important for optimal skin health? Yes, all those workouts not only deliver toned bodies but healthy skin. The secret is that working out improves circulation and blood flow, detoxifying your skin...
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Psoriasis – What You MUST Know About its Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatments
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin ailment that affects over 120 million around the world, accounting for about 2.5% of the world’s population. Statistics also reveal that anywhere between 10% to 30% of people with psoriasis are likely to develop psoriatic arthritis - a condition that has the symptoms of psoriasis along with the sore joints and swollen tissue seen...
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Can You Relieve Eczema & Psoriasis With Diet?
According to functional medicine experts, you are what you eat. They believe in a holistic approach, treating skin disorders with dietary changes. Improve your food, improve your skin. (more…)
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Exercise Is Healthy – Tips For Exercising When You Have Eczema or Psoriasis
Don’t let having eczema or psoriasis stop you from exercising. Exercise has so many health benefits, like weight management, cardio vascular; it even helps reduce stress levels. Exercise promotes healthy circulation, which also keeps your skin healthy. (more…)
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Perfect Skin – How to Get Your Best Looking Skin Ever
Being the largest organ in the body, your skin acts as a protective barrier to keep external pathogens away. Because it is exposed to the elements, it needs help to look its best. The key to great looking skin is via a “holistic” approach, meaning that there are many variables that can help you achieve your best looking skin ever. ...
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Is Your Skin Ready For Winter?
As temperatures drop and the winter season approaches, our skin becomes more prone to dryness. When left untreated, dryness and the resulting itching can lead to cracked, bleeding skin as winter weather continues to strip away our skin’s moisture and natural oils. Those with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis are at especially heightened risk during the winter, since chilly...
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