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Reviewed by Leo Orlando
I cannot tell you how this product has changed my life
I have suffered for over 50 years. I was diagnosed with psoriasis since I was five years old, which was 1955. Visits to the ocean to clear my skin, cold tars, hot tars, wrapping myself in cellophane – all with no results.
I was not allowed to go to camp nor swim in neighbor’s pools due to the fact there was not enough information available then to know whether psoriasis was contagious or not.
I always wore long sleeves, long pants and knee high socks.
I had injections that were so painful I could barely grin and bear it. Every six months, a liver biopsy to view the damage to the liver.
I have tried everything, you name it, I’ve tried it. I was a PUVA participant the Mass. General Hospital located in Boston. Yes, I signed away my life to enable my participation in the trial. I didn’t care if I died, it did not matter at this point.
When I was in my 60s I decided to search again for an alternative, something natural. I found a site that featured Loma Lux. I read all about the product and I liked everything it said. So I decided to try it. I ordered Loma Lux Psoriasis and decided to give it a full effort.
Every morning and evening I took a swig on an empty stomach, I was going to give it a six month trial.
After three months I could not believe my eyes or my skin.
I saw improvement. I could bend my elbows without them bleeding. I could kneel on my knees without the skin cracking.
By the fourth month, I was completely clear. Nothing left. Not one spot anywhere.
Being clear lasted three years.
Four months ago, I noticed a dry patch on my elbow. I purchased Loma Lux Psoriasis again and within two months I was clear.
I love Loma Lux. It gave me a normal life. Sixty years old and it’s the first time I wore a bathing suit. Loma Lux Psoriasis is the only product, procedure, anything, that ever worked.
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Reviewed by Leo Orlando
I have been using this product for a year
Has helped my psoriasis better than rx drug
Pros: Works better than rx
Results: Week 4
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Reviewed by Thomas
In April 2011 I was diagnosed with Dyshidrotic Dermatitis, a form of Psoriasis that mainly occurs on the backs of your hands. It was very debilitating and doctors put me on prescription steroid pills and creams. It was so bad, that at 56 years old I thought I may have to leave my job because I had such a hard time using my hands.
In April 2011 I was diagnosed with Dyshidrotic Dermatitis, a form of Psoriasis that mainly occurs on the backs of your hands. It was very debilitating and doctors put me on prescription steroid pills and creams. It was so bad, that at 56 years old I thought I may have to leave my job because I had such a hard time using my hands.
The prescriptions were unbelievably expensive and were only a “treatment”, not a cure – or even close to a cure. I looked for other options and came across Loma Lux recommended by a doctor’s monthly newsletter I subscribe to.
Thank You for a fine product!
PDF testimonial link
Overall rating:




Reviewed by Sheila “Ladydarksky®” Jaworski
Best treatment yet
So far this is the best known medicine out there with no side effects, with so many medicines out there being worse than the actual symptoms of psoriasis i was excited to try this, however i was not sure it would even work! I was so surprised when the itching nearly stopped completely on my scalp, however the psoriasis patch on my ankle went from 4 fingers wide to 2 fingers wide and no longer itches at all! What more could i ask for? my scalp next so i can stop itching completely there, that’s next so thankful for this product!
Pros: relieves itching, scaling
Cons: sadly didn’t get it in time to keep my hair
Results: Week 1
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Reviewed by Kim
Finally! Relief then a cure
I suffered from psoriasis for 40 years, with plaque on knees, elbows, back and scalp, and cracked and bleeding fingers and toes. I took this product for two months, and the psoriasis disappeared, and in the sixteen years since it hasn’t come back.
Pros: simplicity; no side effects
Cons: none
Results: Week 4
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Reviewed by Charlotte
I just wanted to let you know that my husband has been using the Loma Lux Psoriasis medication for about 2 months now and we are very pleased with the results. He has suffered with psoriasis for many Years and has tried more products that we can remember. This is the first medication that has not only started healing the psoriasis but it has also eliminated much of the pain and burning.
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Reviewed by Paul
Loma Lux Psoriasis is an absolute miracle! I have tried everything, been to the dermatologist, taken milk and oil baths. I’ve tried different soaps, everything and nothing worked until I tried Loma Lux! I used 1 bottle and saw my psoriasis almost totally disappear! I had a pretty severe case too. On my face, elbows, back, legs, stomach. I am so amazed and had so many complements of how well it worked. Thank you so much.
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Reviewed by Jean
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Reviewed by Robert
Now into my third month with incredible results. Have used over the years numerous topical prescriptions with few results. Strongly recommend this product if you are looking for clear skin! Easy and affordable one single dose per day. Thank you Loma Lux!
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Reviewed by Mike
Its been about 4 weeks and the spots and disappearing slowly.
I hope it completely disappears.