Glow Up – Aerobic Exercise Your Way To Healthy Skin
| 01Mar2019
Aerobic exercise improves skin health
You already know that regular exercise is vital to your overall health, but did you also know that exercise is important for optimal skin health?
Yes, all those workouts not only deliver toned bodies but healthy skin. The secret is that working out improves circulation and blood flow, detoxifying your skin and adding nutrients to your skin cells. Just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise four times per week is all you need for healthy skin.
Here’s What Aerobic Exercise Does for Your Skin:
Exercise helps the skin repair itself faster by boosting blood circulation, delivering added nutrients and oxygen to your skin.
It even increases collagen fiber regeneration by producing “feel good” endorphins. Collagen is a main structural protein that helps keep your skin firm and elastic. Too much stress elevates our cortisol levels, which can cause the collagen in your skin to break down, leading to aging, sagging skin, and wrinkles.
The increased relaxation you feel after exercise shows on your face – by lessening facial muscle tension.
All that oxygenated blood from aerobic exercise instantly makes your skin glow. Your face has blood vessels that lie close to your skin’s surface; when you exercise, the blood vessels become dilated. That healthy glow lasts for hours afterward.

Exercise Makes Your Skin Glow
While a downside of exercise is a lot of sweating, it helps to unclog your pores, which is an excellent benefit for acne prone skin. Also, as exercise boosts your blood circulation, it draws out impurities to detoxify your skin. Make sure you remove your makeup before exercise so your skin can breathe. Get rid of excess sweat by cleansing your skin immediately after exercise. For eczema prone skin, be sure to remove wet clothing following exercise to avoid triggering an eczema flare.
Aerobic exercise detoxifies your skin by increasing blood flow and oxygen; it helps draw out toxins and impurities for healthy, happy skin.
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