Here’s Why Your Eczema & Psoriasis Symptoms Are Worse at Night – And What to Do About It
| 21Aug2019
Have you ever wondered why your eczema or psoriasis symptoms are worse at night?

Eczema & Psoriasis symptoms are worse at night
It’s because your skin has its own 24-hour internal clock. Some skin cells work better during the day while others work at night.
Eczema and psoriasis prone skin are most vulnerable at night, when skin irritation, itching, and inflammation are at their worst. At night, your skin’s pH level becomes more acidic, your skin is less hydrated and your skin temperature changes. With psoriasis, higher levels of immune skin cells at night result in even more proliferation of skin cells that don’t shed when they come to the surface, causing plaque buildup. Moisture/Water loss leads to dry skin, causing itching and irritation.
Now that you know why nighttime is a nightmare for your skin, here are some tips to help relieve those nighttime symptoms:
Keep your skin well hydrated at night by bathing and moisturizing before bedtime. Use lukewarm, never hot water with fragrance and dye-free skincare products for cleansing and moisturizing. Make sure to apply a heavy layer of moisturizer within three minutes of bathing to insure moisture is locked into your skin. In warm weather, keep your body moisturizer in the refrigerator to soothe and cool skin. Topical products are better absorbed by your skin at night, so you’ll get optimal benefits.

Bathe & moisturize at bedtime
For Itching, take melatonin or an antihistamine to make you drowsy and help you sleep without waking up and scratching your skin. Use antihistamine sparingly. Wearing gloves and keeping your nails well-trimmed also help to keep people from scratching their skin.
Keep your bedroom cool by using a fan and keeping the room temperature low to avoid overheating your skin.
Wear comfortable, breathable, non-irritating bed clothing and bedsheets. Cotton and linen fabrics are gentle on the skin and allow the skin to breathe. Stay away from harsh fabrics and polyester fabrics that retain heat. Use fragrance-free, dye-free detergents. Air out dry cleaned fabrics for 24 hours prior to wearing.
Destress at bedtime by relaxing with meditation apps, soothing music or a gentle massage to help nudge you into a peaceful sleep.
If you have allergies, keep your bedroom free from cigarette smoke, mold, dust mites and pet dander to avoid triggering an eczema flare.
Take your Loma Lux Eczema Pill and Psoriasis at bedtime to combat nighttime symptoms. Both contain all-natural[huge_it_share], mother earth derived minerals that are taken orally to clear skin from the inside out. Our dermatologist founder developed Loma Lux products in response to his own patient’s requests for more natural, less side effect skin medications with no harsh chemicals, steroids, or skin irritation.

Loma Lux Psoriasis contains 5 all-natural skin-clearing minerals

Contains 7 all-natural, skin-clearing minerals