Here’s How Diet & Lifestyle Changes Can Help Manage Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms
| 14Jul2020
When injured or altered, the skin sends signals to repair the breach in the barrier via releasing inflammatory chemicals that permeate the skin. Inflammation (redness, pain) on the skin surface is the body’s healing response, bringing more nourishment to the site of inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response, without it, we can’t heal.
People with eczema have a weak outer skin barrier, creating “holes” in the skin that leave it unprotected from moisture loss and irritants/allergens that can cause an inflammatory response that does not shut off, leading to the uncomfortable and unwanted eczema symptoms of scaling, itching, inflammation, and dry skin.
Unfortunately, people with one inflammatory disease are more likely to contract other inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, arthritis, food allergies, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and Alzheimer’s disease.
Fortunately, research continues to show that a holistic approach of diet and lifestyle changes can help reduce inflammation within your body.
A holistic approach focuses on the whole person – treating both the physical body and the mind for total wellbeing.
Here are some diet and lifestyle approaches that might help you better manage your eczema/atopic dermatitis without the use of harsh medications:
Get Strong Social Support
Just having to deal with the physical challenges of eczema’s scaling and itching is tough enough, but eczema can also lead to depression and increased anxiety. Having a special connection with a supportive friend or relative is so important to your well-being, talking will help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Eat an Anti-Inflammatory, Mediterranean Style Diet
What you eat can either lower or increase body inflammation. While there is no single diet plan, it is based upon the foods traditionally eaten in the countries that border the Mediterranean, containing fresh, never processed foods that include colorful fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins, and whole grains. There is a lot of information available online, so check them out and find a healthy diet plan that appeals to you.
No Smoking
Besides other dangerous health risks, cigarette smoke can trigger eczema.
Attain & Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
Being overweight increases body fat, and belly fat is the biggest source of inflammation in your body.
Exercise To Reduce Stress & Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
Besides managing stress and body weight, exercise boosts circulation, which in turn helps reduce skin inflammation.
Find an activity that appeals to you that doesn’t trigger sweating/overheating that leads to flaring and itching. Walking during early morning or late evening when temperatures aren’t as hot or swimming might be good options. Keep a water bottle to spray your skin while exercising to cool down your skin’s temperature. Wipe away sweat right away to avoid stinging and dehydration.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
While 6 – 8 hours of nightly sleep is vital to your overall health, those pesky nighttime itchies can make bedtime a nightmare. Eczema prone skin is most vulnerable at night, when skin irritation, itching, and inflammation are at their worst.
Here are some nighttime tips:
Keep your skin well hydrated by bathing and moisturizing just before bedtime. For itching, take melatonin or an antihistamine to make you drowsy so itching won’t wake you up. Keep your bedroom cool to avoid overheating your skin. Wear comfortable, breathable, non-irritating bed clothing, and bedsheets. De-stress at bedtime by relaxing with meditation apps, soothing music or a gentle massage. Keep your bedroom allergen-free from cigarette smoke, mold, dust mites, and pet dander.
Take Loma Lux Eczema Pill at Bedtime
To combat nighttime symptoms, take Loma Lux Eczema Pill at bedtime. It calms the nerve endings without the drowsiness caused by antihistamines while relieving scaling, inflammation, and dry skin with all-natural, skin-clearing minerals. Developed by our dermatologist founder, its 7 natural minerals are taken orally to clear skin from the inside out with no harsh chemicals, steroids, or skin irritation.
Use Fragrance-Free Skin Care Products Designed For Sensitive Skin
The biggest skin irritant is fragrance, so look for fragrance-free skincare products designed for sensitive skin that won’t irritate your skin.
Take Skin-Friendly Vitamins to Supplement Your Diet
Omega-3 Fatty Acids contain healthy fats to keep your skin moist. Vitamin A protects against dry, itchy skin. Vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, helps your skin repair itself and help prevent against skin inflammation. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. Zinc helps your skin heal.
Meditate, Don’t Medicate
Meditation can significantly de-stress your mind and body. There are lots of apps and youtube videos that can help you unwind.
Reconnect With Nature
Research shows that being outside in a natural environment like a park can significantly improve your stress level. Even looking at nature images can help relieve stress for a quick pick-me-up.